01788 228608

June 20, 2024

Nobody said it was easy


Andrew Beaumont

Do you live to work or work to live?


As an employer, it is important to make your team feel important and create a decent culture, but you need to make them comfortable about not being at work.  Being away from work is more important than being at work.


Often, employment is a means to an end.  But that doesn’t mean it can’t be enjoyable.




Your team should enjoy work and appreciate their role, but they should also be encouraged to take time off – to recharge their batteries; to go on holiday; and to get a proper rest.  This is a big part of a positive workplace culture, where a team feels valued and not to be made guilty for not being there.


The boss of Airbnb, Brian Chesky, said that he doesn’t call his team ‘a family’ because that could put undue pressure on them and, unlike a family, the needs of the business come before the needs of individual team members.


This is why the culture is so important, so that a team wants to work and chooses to go above-and-beyond when they want to; but also know that their work-life balance is flexible enough so that you aren’t calling them or bothering them while they are away, and giving them the space they deserve.


However, employers need to do the same for themselves – to take some proper time off.  This is where the right team – with the right attitude and being happy at work – are so important.




Over ten years ago, I travelled overseas for work for the first time.


Between 2013 and 2015, I spent a lot of time in Budapest doing HR.  I absolutely fell in love with the city - so much so that it’s my favourite place in Europe.


Last week (at the time of writing), my wife and I went to Budapest and had three brilliant days sightseeing in the heat on the ‘Buda’ side.  We also went to a few bars and restaurants, including the Hard Rock Café (of course).  As always, the ‘Shoes on The Danube’ were spectacularly moving (especially the little ones).


We were in the city to see a Coldplay concert.  They are one of my favourite bands, playing in a brand-new stadium in my favourite city.




It was a fabulous experience.  While I was there, I thought about how this is a life I have created for me and my business.  I get to take time off; I have a fabulous team; and I have understanding clients (who have a great relationship with my team).


I love coming to Budapest, and I felt suitably rested.  I knew everything back was under control (but I was always available in case it wasn’t).


As an employer, you have to make business-focused decisions but still live the life that you want to lead. You don’t run a business or lead a team simply to work all the hours available.  You too need a rest.




Now, as much as I love going on holiday and getting rest, the key thing is that I have created a positive workplace culture.  I love being at work, but I am also comfortable away from it.


As the popular marketer and entrepreneur Simon Sinek said, “leaders eat last” (he even wrote a book of the same title).


In essence, the idea of this is about fostering a leadership style that prioritises the well-being and success of the team over individual gain.


When a team is happy and feel like they are looked after – as well as having their voice heard – this often leads to increased productivity, better teamwork, and long-term employee retention.  


If you can create a culture of mutual respect, this in turn leads to improved performance.  But, of course, you have to lead from the front. To live the life that you have created, you have to let your team live the life that they want – you don’t want them to just work to live.




Does your team include parents?  The ‘big’ school holidays are coming up, which often leads to the need for more flexibility.  However, this requires careful management (especially amongst non-parents).  Now would be a good time to review your procedures and employment contracts.


As a boss, you are sometimes only as good as your team.  If you are leading from the front and creating a positive workplace culture which takes account of every single team member, then you are doing the right thing.


As I always say, your people are your biggest asset, and they should be treated as such.




If you need some support to create the right culture in your team, or if you need to review your leadership qualities (so, in essence, you can live the life you want to lead), then please do not hesitate to get in touch for an informal, no-obligation chat about how me and my team can support you.



P.S. the title is a lyric from a Coldplay song called The Scientist, seeing as we just saw them in Budapest (but you knew that, didn’t you?).

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